Adding a content record using HTML / Zip file content type

For content that may have frequent updates, it is best to add the materials to the system using the HTML / Zip File content type. From the main menu select the Content tab on the left side, then from the dropdown menu select Insert a new Content record followed by the Next button:
Select the K/S table then click Next:
Select the content type of HTML / Zip file from the dropdown and then hit Next:

On the Modify Content Record form you need to add a title for the content record and then click on the edit content Click Here button:
In the window that appears, set the launch URL for the SCORM package (sample values below), then browse to your ZIP file and click the upload and set URL button:
Here are some sample launch URLs for third-party authoring tools:
Storyline SCORM package
Articulate Studio SCORM package
Articulate RISE package
You will see a message similar to this. Click Close Window:

Toggle the advanced features on by clicking the A icon at the top of the screen:
Set the SCORM sco setting to Yes:
Change the Status to #1 Draft, then click Refresh:

Click View Content.
IMPORTANT:  If you are updating the existing content record and are not seeing the updated file, log out of KMx, clear your cache, then exit the browser. Relaunch the Internet, login and try View Content again.