Updating an Email Notification Template

From the Setup tab, under Site Configuration (1) , choose Review Email Template (2) and click Next (3).

Select the Select Template menu will appear
From the drop down, select the appropriate email template (1) you wish to modify. Then click next (2).

Make the changes to the template as needed:

The "Email Template Help" button, provides you with additional information on changing the templates: The information can also be found below:
There are 9 automated email messages generated by KMx.
4 of these are associated with the use of eCommerce and are receipt messages sent to the purchaser:
- Receipt - Purchase Enrollment w/Credit Card - represents the purchase of a course enrollment with a credit card.
- Receipt - Purchase Enrollment w/Credit Card - Class - represents the purchase of a class enrollment with a credit card.
- Receipt - Purchase Enrollment w/Voucher - represents the purchase of a course enrollment with a voucher code.
- Receipt - Purchase Enrollment w/Voucher - Class - represents the purchase of a class enrollment with a voucher code.
The remainder represent reminders and confirmation for classes, waitlists, and certifications:
- Waitlist Notification - sent to next person on the waitlist when a seat opens up in a class. This is only sent if the class supports a waitlist.
- New Class Enrollment Confirmation - sent to a new enrollee in a class as a confirmation of his enrollment. This is only sent if the class supports new enrollment confirmations and if it is not an eCommerce based enrollment. For eCommerce class enrollments, use the appropriate receipt formatted message noted above.
- Class Reminder - sent in advance of a class to all members enrolled in the class to remind them of the class start date and details. This is sent only if the class supports reminders and is timed according to the advance notice period specified by the class administrator.
You may create formatted templates for use in sending automated emails from KMx in Microsoft Word. The process works by using a Word document in lieu of the Message Body field of the email template. To use this feature, you can start with a blank document or one of the samples from the link above. A list of variables that may be inserted into the body of the message can be viewed as part of the help function while editing an email template. You can navigate to this help information as follows: Review Email Template, select the template or event to review, select Email Template Help.
Proper Email Template Formatting in Word
When creating your email templates in Word, be sure to follow these guidelines:
- The document should read as you want a member to see the email body.
- Do NOT use the bold, italic, and underline buttons in the Font section. Rather, make these selections in the Styles section available on the Home tab.
- If you do not see the Style section, right-click Word's ribbon and select "Customize the Ribbon". You'll then be able to add Style if it's not already visible.
Uploading Word Email Templates to KMx
We recommend customers create a new K/S table with a title similar to “Email Templates” or other title that will help to easily identify these content records. Selecting “Insert K/S Table Record” then provide a title and set the option for Mask from Search to “Yes”.
Select Organize and Develop Content, Insert Content Record, select the K/S table, then select MS Word. Enter a title for the new content record to identify it as a template record and upload your completed Word document.
Once the MS Word document is uploaded, review the email template under System Administration, Review Email Templates. With the template open, select the K/S table where you previously uploaded the MS Word version of the template, the screen will refresh. Now select the MS Word Document. The contents of the word document, including any formatting you applied inside of the document, will now replace the body field displayed on the Template record. The subject and cc fields on this form will still be used to populate the subject and cc of the email messages generated using this template. To discontinue use of a formatted template and return to a text-based template, set the MS Word Email Template to “None”.
System Administrators can edit the template used for each of these messages. This is done by specifying the text and variables to insert in to the message subject and body. The following variables can be inserted in to either subject or the body of the message:
| Variable Name | Description |
| <SenderName> | Used to represent the sender's name in a signature block or other context. The sender is always the Organization Contact. |
| <SenderEmail> | Used to represent the sender's email address. |
| <SenderPhone> | Represents the sender's phone number |
| <OrganizationStudentURL> | The return url where student's should come to access the LMS. This can be specified in the Organization Information area. |
| <ReceiverName> | Recipient's name. |
| <CourseTitle> | The Course Title |
| <course_cc_notification_address> | Course cc notification email address as specified in the course set up screen. |
| <course_id> | Course Unique Identifier |
| <ClassTitle> | The Class Title for scheduled classes. Should only be used for waitlist, class enrollment and class reminder notifications. |
| <ClassLocation> | Class Location. |
| <ClassStartDate> | Class Start Date |
| <ClassEndDate> | Class End Date |
| <class_cc_notification_address> | Notification email address to include as cc on the message. This is pulled from the class setup screen. |
| <class_id> | Class Unique Identifier |
| <InstructorName> | The name of the instructor designated as the responsible instructor for a class. |
| <InstructorEmail> | The email of the instructor designated as the responsible instructor for a class. |
| <InstructorPhone> | The phone number of the instructor designated as the responsible instructor for a class. |
| <EcommercePrice> | The purchase price paid during an ecommerce transaction. Intended for use only in a credit card receipt. |
| <EcommerceTime> | The date and time of an ecommerce transaction. |
| <EcommerceTransactionID> | A transaction ID issued for all ecommerce transactions. |
| <VoucherCode> | The voucher code remitted for a voucher purchase |
| <ClassRoomName> | The classroom where a class session will meet |
| <foreign_catalog_key> | The class id code. |
| <class_notes> | Notes specific to that class as specified in the class_notes field |
| <activity_duration> | The sum of all activity durations for that class in hours. |
| <activity_summary> | Summary list of activity start dates/times and durations. |
| <expiration_date> | Expired Enrollment Date |
| <member_customNN> | Contents of a member_customNN field where NN = the field designator 01 thru 20 |
| <Manager_Email> | Email address of the recipient's manager or supervisor |
| <foreign_catalog_key> | Foreign Catalog Key |
| <course_duration> | Course Duration |
| <enrollment_id> | Enrollment ID |
| <ReminderIteration> | Reminder Iteration |
| <enrollment_required_completion_date> | Enrollment Required Completion Date |
| <coupon_code> | Coupon Code |
| <coupon_title> | Coupon Title |
| <price_modifier_title> | Price Modifier |
| <waitlist_days> | Waitlist Days |
| <time_zone_text> | Time Zone |
| <EnrolledMemberName> | Name of the member whose enrollment needs to be approved by the supervisor. Used only in the Supervisor Approval Request email template |
| <EnrolledMemberEmail> | Email of the member whose enrollment needs to be approved by the supervisor. Used only in the Supervisor Approval Request email template |
| <CertificationTitle> | Certification title. Used in the email template Member Certification Notification. |
| <course_notes> | Notes specific to that course as specified in the course_notes field |
| <activity_title> | Activity Title |
| <activity_date> | Activity Date |
| <activity_url> | Activity URL |
| <assignment_overdue_note> | Assignment Overdue Note |
| <directory_services_id> | Directory Services ID |
| <course_customNN> | Contents of a course_customNN field where NN = the field designator 01 through 06 |
| <course_custom_intNN> | Contents of a course_custom_intNN field where NN = the field designator 01 through 05 |
| <class_customNN> | Contents of a class_customNN field where NN = the field designator 01 through 12 |
| <class_custom_intNN> | Contents of a class_custom_intNN field where NN = the field designator 01 through 06 |
| <enrollment_custom_textNN> | Contents of a enrollment_custom_textNN field where NN = the field designator 01 through 06 |
| <enrollment_custom_intNN> | Contents of a enrollment_custom_intNN field where NN = the field designator 01 through 04 |